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The changing attitudes towards internal auditing

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Over the last few years the scope for internal auditing and the benefits it offers have expanded dramatically. This is true for organisations in both the public and private sector, including all kinds of businesses. As a result the whole attitude towards audits has changed. There are two main reasons for the change.

The first is that there is a better understanding of how beneficial it can be to take a broad look at the organisation. The data and information can be utilised to make the right changes and help to address strategy problems. This can ultimately result in big rewards.

The change has even seen businesses asking auditors to look at operational areas where there are problems. Traditionally many of them would avoid this but that process of ignoring the issue and not getting it audited has changed a great deal. Now businesses want impartial insights that can identify weaknesses and facilitate improvements. Auditing is a cost effective option in this regard.

The second reason for the change is that auditors and advisors themselves have changed. They are more flexible and dynamic now because they understand how inefficient it is to offer a one size fits all service. By basing their approach on the exact needs, risks, and requirements of a client they can deliver a better service, increase value, and stand the best chance of building a good relationship with them.

At Brian G Lonis and Co Accountants we have expanded our scope for auditing and worked hard to ensure we can satisfy the needs of our clients effectively. We can take an impartial look at various operational areas and provide clear, honest advice to the business. We are therefore well placed to help them uncover opportunities.

Businesses from all across Greater London can come to us for auditing; our accountants will provide the very best level of service. If you have any questions please contact us. We can discuss audits with you and explain exactly what we can do to help.